Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Week From Hell.

It all started last Saturday.

I woke up feeling h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e. I mean, that awful, hurts-to-wear-clothes-your-body-hurts- feeling...along with an insane sore throat, and a sinus infection I am positive came straight from Satan himself. Every time I tried to get up the room would spin, and I would have to sit back down. I had a fever, so there was the hot/cold/hot/cold...blankets on/blankets off issue going on, and I could not get comfortable no matter what I did. The only thing that provided any relief was to soak in a nice hot bath, which I did about every four hours. I think I might have been the cleanest person in town. Sunday brought no change, although I did manage to get some laundry done that day instead of just laying on the couch.

By Sunday night, I was fearing that Monday may not bring any change, and that I would have to take the day off. Ohhh how I hate doing that to my daycare parents!! The guilt!! But, alas, I did have to take that day off. After I felt I had contacted everyone, I went back to bed, and finally after a very restless night, I managed to fall asleep. I had no idea how much time had passed, when I was awaken by a little voice saying, "Kimmie!! Kimmie!!" OH SHIT!! I forgot that Luke and Stella were staying with Grandma!! I didn't call Grandma!!! I still feel just awful about that...but my beautiful Glenda was willing to fill in for me, so Grandma was able to take the kids over there!!

I wasn't able to go back to sleep, so I flipped on the TV. On a side note, daytime TV is so lame, there just aren't even words. Eventually that day, I did get to the doctor. She mentioned that my stress level is out of control (what?? are you kidding?? this is a huge surprise!) and I need to sleep better and also that the more stressed I get, the more sick I'm going to get. After giving me a prescription for a nice antibiotic and a sleep aide, I was on my way.

As it ended up, I think my families were a little scared to come back on Tuesday. They all decided to give me another day, which as it ended up, I really needed.

Then came Wednesday. Pretty uneventful, I was feeling much better. I worked a normal work day, took Levi to therapy, and rushed back to go to "God School" as Titus calls it...and see the entire congregation standing in front of the church...yeah, no one unlocked the door!! And here I am with the key and I didn't pull in the parking lot until 6:31!! I don't think anyone was TOO mad, but I felt horrible about that!! But other than that, Wednesday just felt like Wednesday.

Then came Thursday. Only three kids showed up as I had to take off with John for Iowa City. We had to leave at about 10, and Grandma Judy graciously watched the daycare kids until noon. Ben had an eye appointment at 9:40 in Ames, (routine six month appt) and so Grandpa took him to his appointment and John and I headed out.

John had to have a CT scan on his chest, and 3 back-to-back MRI's. We got all of this done on Thursday. We got a hotel room and spent the night because we had Dr. appointments on Friday. Here is what we now know.

We have baffled the entire staff at the U of I Hospitals and Clinics. John's symptoms are consistant with both sarcoidosis and lymphoma. They have been, unable even to this point, to pinpoint one or the other definately. With more than twenty doctors reviewing our case, nothing is for sure, but we know this much. He is responding to treatment. The MRI's are showing that the areas of concern on his brain are all but gone. There were smaller lesions all the way up his entire spine, and those are gone now. The biggest area of concern with the most swelling, his lower spine, shows the some of the swelling is going down. This is all really good news. However, we just don't have know, 'answer' that we want. Both sarcoidosis and lymphoma would respond to this same treatment. I don't like the 'cancer' thing hovering over our heads like this, but as of now, it looks like it's something that we are just going to have to live with. We will be going back to Iowa City on April 5th. The doctors are going to continue to keep a very close eye on John and do further testing and when it becomes necessary.

On Thursday, after all of his tests, John and I were doing a little shopping, him at Scheels, me at Target, and I get a phone call from Ben. He sounded really upset. He proceeds to tell me that at the eye doctor appointment, they realized that he has fluid behind his left eye. (this could cause has already made the vision in his left eye much worse) On Monday, we have to go to Dr. Suh and he has to take fluid out from behind his eye by sticking a huge needle in the side of his head. He is terrified, and I am stuck 160 miles from him. I tried to calm him down as best I could, then called my Dad...then Glenda. They calmed ME down. Then it was back to the hotel, and finally the hot tub. It felt amazing, and definately melted away some of the tension! I slept pretty well that night, with the help of the hot tub, and ambien!!

Friday, we got up and went to his doctor appoinments, and then it was homeward bound. Ben and I got some snuggle time in, and I think we both felt a lot better.

So, now we just have to get through Monday!! Pray for Ben, and for this proceedure to not be nearly as awful as it sounds. I don't want to pass out at the eye doctor...*sigh*

Thanks for all the calls, concern and love we get from all of you. I couldn't get through any of this without my amazing support system!! Just remember to always be so thankful for all of the blessings in your life...and never to take them for granted. You don't know when they can be taken from you..