Friday, September 23, 2011


Seventeen years ago, September 24, 1994, something happened that changed my life.

I became a mother.

I was so scared...would I know what to do...would I do what was right...would I be what this beautiful, 9 lb 3 oz boy would need? Would I know what to say at the right time?

Well, I don't always know what to do...but I know I do my best. I don't always know what to say, but I speak from the heart. I know that when he was born, suddenly, I didn't think about what I needed anymore, but just what he needed...and I felt a love like I had never known. I would have done anything to protect him...and still would.

John Thomas Greenfield is a blessing. This child changed me forever, and I remember holding him, rocking him, singing to him, worrying when he was sick, laughing when he did something funny, rejoicing in his milestones, holding his hand, and knowing my entire life had led up to his existence. I can never express what this day meant to me...the day he came into my life.

As he has gotten older, he has become a very remarkable young man. He is so smart...way smarter than he should be with me for a mother...(good thing he got his brain from his daddy) He is loving, compassionate, caring, considerate, and he always knows when I need a hug. He is so amazing, has lots of friends, and is such a good big brother to Ben and Levi. He pushes Ben to try harder, and he loves Levi unconditionally, and accepts him for who he is with love in his heart. He has had to deal with his share of hurdles (especially his eyes) but always seems to come out on top. I admire him as a young man...he sees things as they are and makes the best of situations...I could not be prouder.

Love you, JT. Happy can never understand what you have brought into my life.

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