Monday, May 24, 2010

Kids make me LAUGH!!

Ahhh, children. I owe so much to the kids in my life. Not just my own, but all the little ones I spend 55+ hours a week with! They are so funny! I thought I would throw out a few of the recent conversations I've been either involved with, or overheard.

I have a darling little boy who is simply in LOVE with Star Wars. I don't mean, 'hey, I kinda like this movie, maybe we should watch it...' he actually SINGS the THEME music, AND the background music...and can probably recite it line for line. It's awesome.

One day, this very intellegent little boy decides he would like to play Star Wars with one very adorable little girl with a slight speech impedament. She said, "Okay, I will be Dark Vador and you can be Dark Sidious" and he instantly became upset. He's like, "NO!! It's DARTH Vador and DARTH Sidious!!" and she, getting more frustrated herself, yells back, "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!! DARK VADOR AND DARK SIDIOUS!!" The little boy pauses, knowing he is not going to win this one, and said, "Okay, let's just play." The little girl responds, "May the forest be with you!!" to which the little boy rolls his eyes, and simply walks away.

Then, while doing dishes after lunch one noon hour, my little kids decided they were going to play "ring-around-the-rosey". They all grab hands, even the little girl who just learned to walk, and start turning in a circle...

"Ring around the Rosey! Pockets full of posies! ASSES, ASSES, we all fall DOWN!"

I won't even go into the "Fucky Chicken" cheer...

When Levi was about 3, he didn't say much that made sense. In fact, I think it was a rare occurance indeed that anything that came out of his mouth had any sort of significant value...most of his talking was quoting something he had heard from TV or, something that I had taught him...but in Mrs. Sloan's room, one day, he found a phrase that not only made sense, but got the entire room to go silent. It was a bit noisy in hall that day, I believe, and so Levi simply said, "Shut the damned door."
I believe that managed to get the job done, the door was immediately closed. Mrs. Sloan didn't know whether to be excited that he said something that made sense or mad at the way he said it!! :) That's my boy!

Two little girls were talking one day. The sweet blonde looks at the sassy brunette, and says, "My daddy calls me a little princess." Not missing a beat, the sassy little brunette looks at her and says, 'My daddy calls me a little beotch".

That same little sassy brunette was on her way to the kitchen one day to throw away her diaper, and she realized that I had moved a toy, and it caught her totally by surprise, and she stopped dead in her tracks, at about 18 months old, and said, "OH SHIT!"

I have taught CCD for years now, and one class was all about Noah's Ark. I was teaching the K-1st grade class. I read them the story, we did a Noah's Ark craft, and even had little puppets. As soon as the class was over, I just wanted to know at least a few of them had payed attention. I asked my class, "Who can tell me who we talked about tonight?" Out of eight children, ONE hand flew up, and I called on this cute little boy who enthusiastically responded, "ELVIS!!"

Yes, kids know how to keep you on your toes! I have to admit, when this stuff happens I have to leave the room to laugh BEFORE I tell them it is inappropriate...but I do the best I can!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I know this shouldn't be this big of a deal! However, sometimes what you know in your head and what you feel in your heart aren't always in agreement.

Tonight at the concert, which, by the way, I've waited so long for...Levi was going to make his big musical debut. Why this is such a huge deal to me is not exactly clear. Levi could honestly care less! However, we thought we had it worked out to where it just might work. Although I knew it could end badly, and I thought I was prepared for that, it appears that my hopes were a little higher than I realized.

I was nervous. SO nervous for him. The beauty of Levi, though, is that he didn't feel any of that nervousness! He's just in his own little space in his own little world...and I'm worried about where I should throw up...I decided if it came to that, I would use my purse. Luckily it didn't come to that...:) It's always nice to have a plan...

Levi was escorted in by the lovely Mrs. Herrick, whom I love dearly. My heart almost stopped beating as she walked him to his spot in front of the risers. The audience calmed down and Levi looked nervous...the kids each had a flag in their hand that they were to wave during one of the songs. Levi promptly put his flag in his mouth in order to use both hands to cover his ears. Okay, no big deal...The music starts. Levi starts swaying...the kids start singing...Levi removes his hands from his ears, keeps the flag in his mouth, slaps his butt with one hand and gallops across the stage. At this point, Mrs. Herrick gets his attention to get OFF the stage and he makes his exit. Perhaps five seconds? Ten?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the tears just pour down my face. I felt like such an idiot! I think I continued with uncontrollable waterworks until the middle of the third grade performance, and then I managed to pull myself together...remind me....never to go to a concert without kleenex. The guy next to me must have thought I was insane! (he's not that far off) Anyway, I pulled it together, and kept telling myself, hey...he got farther than he got last year! Last year he wouldn't even go into the gym! But for some reason, tonight, that held little comfort for me. Then, after the concert, my mom, mother in law, father in law, special ed teacher, Mrs. Herrick, my friend Glenda, and a couple other people...came up to me and then I really lost it! I am so embarrassed for getting this emotional over something that is really just so LITTLE! But, at the same time, I got to see how blessed I am to have these support people in my life. What would I ever do without them?

I hope I never have to know.

Thanks to John, Judy, Mom, Ellie, Glenda, Lori, Elaine and Holly, I am feeling a lot better now. :)

Getting Started

I've never been a blog person, but you know, I have some interesting stories! I think maybe a little background on my 'house of insanity' and how it came to be.

Job: Daycare Provider. Need I say more? (this in itself would constitute insanity)

Family: Oldest son, Stickler's Syndrome, severe high myopia, teenager
Middle son, Stickler's Syndrome, severe high myopia, spondylolithesis, JRA , teenager
Youngest son, Autistic. Not a teenager yet...*phew*

So, I guess you could probably see where things could get a little hairy, for lack of a better term, around here.

Today, my big 'hurdle' to jump is attending Levi's concert. Levi is seven, and has been going to school now for five years. This is the first concert we are attempting. All I want him to do is stand up there with his friends and tolerate it! Last year, he was going to make his debut, but upon stepping foot into the school gym, the sound system had some feedback which scared the heck out of him, (if you haven't guessed, he's the autistic one) and he would not set foot into the gym again, so we had to miss that one. I am not going to lie, I am expecting disaster, but hoping for success! Either way, I will be proud of him for trying. Things can be so difficult...just simple things that we take for granted every single day.

He has amazing teachers that are going to do everything they can to help him, so hopefully, tonight, I'll see that little guy standing up there...with pants on....(I probably forgot to mention that he likes to run around in underwear, or less if he were able)...singing with his classmates for the first time!

Or not...