Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting Started

I've never been a blog person, but you know, I have some interesting stories! I think maybe a little background on my 'house of insanity' and how it came to be.

Job: Daycare Provider. Need I say more? (this in itself would constitute insanity)

Family: Oldest son, Stickler's Syndrome, severe high myopia, teenager
Middle son, Stickler's Syndrome, severe high myopia, spondylolithesis, JRA , teenager
Youngest son, Autistic. Not a teenager yet...*phew*

So, I guess you could probably see where things could get a little hairy, for lack of a better term, around here.

Today, my big 'hurdle' to jump is attending Levi's concert. Levi is seven, and has been going to school now for five years. This is the first concert we are attempting. All I want him to do is stand up there with his friends and tolerate it! Last year, he was going to make his debut, but upon stepping foot into the school gym, the sound system had some feedback which scared the heck out of him, (if you haven't guessed, he's the autistic one) and he would not set foot into the gym again, so we had to miss that one. I am not going to lie, I am expecting disaster, but hoping for success! Either way, I will be proud of him for trying. Things can be so difficult...just simple things that we take for granted every single day.

He has amazing teachers that are going to do everything they can to help him, so hopefully, tonight, I'll see that little guy standing up there...with pants on....(I probably forgot to mention that he likes to run around in underwear, or less if he were able)...singing with his classmates for the first time!

Or not...

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