Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bedtime Story

There once was a lovely maiden named Celeste.

She was being held hostage by a giant,

A two headed Monster...

And a Tasmanian Devil.

The maiden was being held hostage in a huge mountain of laundry. Every day she was expected to wash all of the laundry, fold it, and put it away, only to have it all ripped out of the dressers and thrown to the floor, so she could never tell what was dirty, and what was clean! So, she would have to wash it all over again. Fortunately, she did love the smell of Gain, but that was her only happiness. After she finished the laundry, she was forced to clean the most disgusting bathrooms ever. The Tasmanian devil was the worst culprit, always 'shaking it' just a little too early before he was actually done...leaving a mess for the maiden that required six pairs of rubber gloves and a HAZMAT suit.

Through it all, the maiden cared for the giant, the two headed monster, and the Tasmanian devil...because she was a maiden of very little brain. But she did always try to see the good in them, no matter how many tasks they made her complete.

She also worked a full time job, watching the kingdom's children. The children made the maiden happy, but alas, only added to hear never ending cleaning workload.

The maiden also was expected to do all the cooking. Supper was to be on the table as soon as the giant, the two headed monster, and the Tasmanian devil got home from a busy day of doing...well, she didn't know what they did! She was too busy doing laundry and cleaning bathrooms, cooking and working a full time job...wasn't she!!

One day, while she was in her mountain of laundry alone, she decided to sneak out to see if she could get a signal on her EnV Touch cell phone. She knew the giant would be upset due to overages, but she simply had to surf the web to see if there was anything else in the world, other than laundry, cooking, cleaning, children, the giant, the two headed monster and the Tasmanian devil.

She read of a land far away, where clothes were optional and disposable. Where maidens were wined and dined, and treated much differently than she was used to! She decided to email the King of this land, and ask for more information about this wonderful place! Was it for real?

Just as she hit 'send', she saw the giant coming over the hill, so she quickly dove back into her laundry pile, and completely forgot about the email that she had just sent...

A week later, there was a knock on the pile of laundry...and outside stood a pirate!!

The handsome pirate explained that he had been sent by the King of Disposable Clothesland to retrieve the maiden and bring her back with him, where she was to live happily ever after!! Never would she have to do laundry, cook, clean, or wear rubber gloves again! She would be treated like a queen by the handsome pirate, and would spend the rest of her days surrounded by riches of every sort...
Just as the maiden was about to leave with the pirate, she suddenly came to a realization. She LOVED the giant, the two headed monster, and the Tasmanian devil! Maybe, she was already rich in a much deeper way!! She knew they loved her, too, but just did not know how to show it, as they were indeed, a giant, a two headed monster, and a Tasmanian devil...
So, as the pirate sailed away, the maiden turned and walked back into the mountain of laundry, and saw that the Pirate had left her the most wonderful gift of all.
The End.

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