Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Monday

One Monday morning, I woke up, stumbled into the bathroom, fell into the toilet because someone left the seat up, stabbed myself in the eye with my mascara wand, and tripped over a toy Levi left laying on the kitchen floor. Not slowing down, I ran into the boys' room, turned on their light, and told them to get up. Then I went out to the kitchen to make coffee...and my first children showed up for the day.

After their Mom left, I realized that it had been fifteen minutes since I made my first attempt at waking up the boys. So, I blinked thier light, and told them a little more firmly to wake up.

The next kids showed up, and after THEIR Mom left, I realized another ten minutes had gone by, making it roughly 7:20, and that the boys were still not up. So, I charged into their rooms and yelled at the top of my lungs for them to get up, which only recieved a quick 'thumb's up' from JT even though his eyes were still closed.

By this time, it was time to take my little potty training girl to the bathroom, which I did. I see the first of my own children stumble out of their room with his eyes half closed. So, I go through the normal routine, "Ben, did you take your pills? What do you want for breakfast? Don't forget to feed the dog." All of which recieved no response from my semi-comatose 14 year old, but a slight glare behind his eyes...which were still half closed.

Then I realize it's 7:35 and I go to charge into the boys' room to get Levi up, and find that the door is locked. SO, I yell through the door, "Is Levi up??!" and JT says, 'Mmhmm.' Ten minutes later JT emerges from the room, and I go to grab Levi, who now has about fifteen minutes to get ready for school, only to find that he has peed the bed. GREAT!

I lift Levi out of his top bunk, (yes, he weighs over 60lbs) and I haul him to the bathroom to take the fastest bath that has ever occurred in the Greenfield house. I hose him down, dress him quickly, and throw on his shoes, and try to coax him into breakfast. As I'm trying to get him fed, two more kids show up. I talk briefly with the parents, and say goodbye, only to realize that Levi's backpack is missing...his ride will be coming in less than 2 minutes! I fly around the house, and find the backpack, putting it on Levi just as his ride comes...

Then, JT and Ben realize, with about five minutes to spare, that they both need lunch money. Another kid shows up...I write two illegible checks and shove the two older boys out the door. Time to get the preschoolers out! I quickly throw on their coats and shoes, tying the last shoe just as thier ride shows up...

I go to take a sip of my coffee, which is now, of course, ice cold. I dump it and pour another cup. The phone rings. 23 minutes later, I hang up the phone and go to take a sip of my coffee, which is again, ice cold. I dump it and pour another cup. The baby starts to cry...time for a bottle! I throw the bottle together, and grab the starving baby, and feed her. 30 minutes later, she finishes up the bottle, and she is happy to go play. I go to take a drink of my coffee...and guess what? Ice cold. I dump it, and fill it up again.

Running to the laundry pile, I quickly switch loads and a fight breaks out in the living room. After a quick 'come to Jesus' speech to the daycare kids, I go and finish switching the laundry, and the baby gets fussy. Time for a nap!! I lay her down, and go to take a drink of my coffee...yep, it's cold. I abort mission and switch to diet pepsi.

After playing with the kids, making lunch, cleaning up and reading stories, it is time for nap. I am laying the children down when I get a phone call. My Levi showed up to school with NO UNDERWEAR on. I call in a reinforcement and fly to the school with the underwear in my embarrassing! I did recieve a lovely laminated 'Mother Of The Year" award from the special education teachers and aides. The day was not wasted!! I asked them if there was to be an assembly for me in the gym, or if it was more of an 'informal' award...I didn't get an assembly. Maybe next time, right?

Then, Levi gets home from school, throws coat, shoes, socks, and backpack all over the living room floor, throws a fit, bites me, and then settles down, finally...and starts laughing...and laughing and laughing. And the men in this house think I am an emotional roller coaster...pahleeze!!

So, our daycare day winds down, and the kids start going home. John has decided supper should be swiss steak, so I head to the kitchen to prepare it. I slice my finger. I am one of those people who could hurt themselves with a cotton ball...

After making supper, and cleaning up, it's then time for bath (again) and homework with Levi. Then, all four of my guys need haircuts...I get that done and start folding the laundry...and folding, and folding and folding. I tell the boys to put their laundry piles away, only to walk into their rooms the next morning to see it all laying on the floor. Neat.

Finally!! Time to sit down in front of the TV!! Guess what I get to watch??? Football. :( *sigh*

I decide to go to bed, and realize that Levi has beaten me to my own bed and fallen asleep. I decide to snuggle up next to him only to wake up at 2:30 a.m. soaking wet...he peed the bed.

Bring on Tuesday!!

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