Friday, January 7, 2011

Life's Alterations

I know that John really doesn't want me to blog about this, but as so many people are asking, I just want to give the information. Plus, John doesn't read my blog. Teehee. (Be quiet, Judy!)

Our family has most recently been hit with a little more 'life altering' news. John has a tumor in his spine. We will be going for surgery in Iowa City on January 20th. It is a five hour surgery, and he will spend five (or so) days in the hospital. They have to biopsy the tumor. That, in a nutshell is all that we know.

So many of our amazing friends and family have been asking what they can do to help. I promise, if I come up with a job for you, I will tell you what it is, but for right now, the biggest thing any of you can do is pray for us. I know, it seems small...but it is bigger than any one of us. The power of prayer is amazing. I've seen it first hand many, many times, and I believe in it. We are truly, truly blessed to live in this amazing community, where so many people care and have offered help in so many ways. People bitch about small towns, but I say there is no other place I would want to be. A small town is like a family. Sure, we may all know too much about each other, and we may want to rip each other's heads off sometimes, but when things get rough, we rally. John and I have been truly humbled by the love we have been shown recently. Thank you, everyone, for caring and helping.

I have had a lot of people say, "Kim!! How much more can your famly handle??" I have thought a lot about this. JT and Ben with Stickler's Syndrome, Ben with JRA and spondylolythesis, JT near legally blind, Benny actually legally blind, Levi with Autism, and now John with a tumor. It is a lot for any one family. But the cool thing is we have hung tight AS a family. We love each other unconditionally, no matter what the problem. We understand each other. We can talk about the hard stuff and deal with it, TOGETHER. I don't know, I mean, I'm not diggin' the issues thrown at us, but talk about making you realize the strength of your family! Do you know that a lot of families faced with Autism alone crumble under the pressure?? It's true! There have been studies!! But not us. It would be easy to be really mad at God right now, but I think he's trying to prove to us what we have in each other. I think he's trying to step in and show us what we have, and to never take it for granted. And I think that is a pretty cool message. Intense, actually. Well, God, you nailed it. Message recieved! Now, let's stop this particular 'test' and give us an "A" so we can move on to live a long happy life together!!

If you read this blog today, please comment or message me. I need to hear from my friends! My friends have been such a huge part of my life, and I love making you all laugh and sharing silly stuff!! Laughter, well, it's coming a little slower these days, but I know hearing from you will help get my spirits back where they need to be in order to get through this new 'adventure' in our lives. Even if we barely know each other, give me a shout out. Also, hug your families. Each and every member. Make sure they know how much they mean to you. Nothing is promised.

Also, if you are a buddy of Johns and are concerned about him, I want you to give him a call. Just let him know that you are thinking of him...his cell is 515.310.0174. He works from 8-5 so maybe not then, but please just let him know that you care. He needs everyone in his corner in a big way right now. The more love coming his way, the more power he will have to get through this operation and get on his way to recovery.

If you just want to check on him at any time, my cell is 515.310.0271. During the day I do better with texts, but I will be glad to keep you all updated and give you any information that I have.

Thank you all, for your support and love. I hope I can always return it to you whenever you need it! Keep the prayers coming. We feel them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonderful, and always! Prayers and love coming your always!
