Sunday, January 23, 2011

You realize you are more tired than you thought when....

Yeah, so yesterday all I wanted to do was shower!! You feel pretty scuzzy when you are just laying around. So JT and Ben, John and Judy were going to come visit us, and I figured I could slip away and go over to John's sister's house to grab a shower...seems very simple doesn't it? Leave it to me to make it complicated!!

I go to leave the parking ramp, and somehow take a wrong turn and end up with all the service vechicles and unable to just drive out. I make kind of a 'three point turn' taking out two cones. Embarrassed, and hoping no one saw, I sheepishly creep out of that area and head for the exit. I go to pay the lady, drop my money on the ground, and non-gracefully I slide out of the truck to pick up the money slamming my head into the door on the way up. Rubbing my head and feeling stupid tears begin to form, I hand the lady my money, again...and I take off for Dawn's.

It is so nice that she just lives a little ways east of Iowa City!! However, I decided to go west on the interstate instead of east. So, once I realized (almost instantly, but too late) what I had done, I had to get off at the next exit and turn around. After one illegal u-turn that I totally got away with, I was on my way, in the right direction. Shower, here I come!!!!

Now, I thought I had listened to Dawn when she told me how to get to her house, but ended up at a funeral home, and had to sit there and wait for her to come get me so I could follow her back to her house...seriously!! KIM!! HELLO!!

So I finally make it to Dawns, and I can't get John's passenger side truck door open, but I finally managed that...

Then, shortly after, I sank into a hot bubbly whirlpool tub...and it was great until all the sudden I think perhaps it was a little TOO hot because I started getting dizzy...haha!! I ended up taking three 'breaks', getting in, getting out, before I finally thought I was beginning to feel human. As I emerged from the bathroom, my nephew Blaine takes one look at me and screams and heads to the other room. Okay, so I was the color of Sebastian, the singing crab from The Little Mermaid...but I didn't think it was THAT bad til I caught a glimpse of myself...bwahahaha!! Nice...

Anyway, I let my skin go back to it's normal color before I put on my make up and did my hair...I headed out with instructions as to how to get back to the interstate...four wrong turns later, I was back on 80 on my way to the hospital...

Driving like some old blue haired woman who should have lost her license sometime in the 80's...I made my way back to Iowa City only to find that the friends I so desperately wanted to see had come and gone...not surprisingly...but still, just my luck!!

Finally at about 6pm, I was pretty sure I felt a sore throat coming on, so I took some NyQuil and knocked my ass out early.

I did get quite a bit of sleep, as well as you can do in a broken recliner chair...and was feeling a lot better this morning. We just had two visitors today, and I think that was actually a good thing. John's been getting up a lot today and is doing well, but his gown is flapping in the breeze leaving virtually nothing to the imagination!!

We are doing really well! The nurses are really impressed with how well he is getting up and getting around. He is using a walker which I hope we get to take home with us, but I have a feeling my big strong man will try to get out of it if he can. Our phones have been pretty quiet today, too, so we've been doing some dozing which has felt really good.

Thanks so much for all the emails and is so nice to get on here and kill time while John is napping...or as he is watching the game right now which I could give a shit less about...teehee. He is missing his big TV at home for the game. lol Feel free to email or message me or text and if I can I will get back to you. My phone doesn't always work in the hospital...but if I can there are places I can slip away when the opportunity presents itself, but I tend to not stray far from John just in case he needs me for something.

Keep the faith, and remember to hug your families, and turn a blind eye to those things that seem sooo day that annoying stuff may be the stuff you miss the most!!

Love to all!


1 comment:

  1. Kim, don't be too hard on yourself! I didn't see anything out of the ordinary regarding your driving/direction following. Sounds like the way I used to drive before my Droid and GPS program. I got lost once returning from an EMS call in north of Ellsworth. I rode to the scene in the ambulance but drove someone's car back to town. I had NO Idea of where I was, which way to go to get back town. Boy did it take a long time to live that down. Get a GPS program and live will be great! ;)
