Thursday, January 20, 2011


Okay everyone, here is what we know thus far.

The tumor is inoperable. The good cells and the bad cells are intertwined, and cannot be separated. What this means is that we will now have to look into radiation or chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. They did get a biopsy, but we will not have the results from that for ten to fourteen days. Using radiation is still used even if it isn't cancer. Optimistic little me still says it's not. :) This isn't exactly the news we wanted, but that doesn't make it bad news. I'm just calling it one step closer to the actual answer. One step closer to getting John back to his old self!!

Of course, prayers are still wanted, needed and appreciated!!

I hate hospitals. The sounds, the smells, the rules...I so appreciate being home when I'm stuck in a place like this. Usually I complain about being home too much, but right now I'd give anything to be there!! I want to hug my kids and tell them that everything is going to be fine. It is, you know. :) It has to be!!

Again, just take a minute to appreciate all that you have. Give thanks for all your blessings. I will keep in touch..



  1. Oh, I should mention that he has to be on total bedrest, flat on his back for three days. We will be here for five to seven days, and about three weeks recovery at home. :)

  2. The glass will always be half full for you Kimmie, as it sounds like the Jewell clan is amazing. Wish we were closer. Prayers always. You rock!
