Friday, February 4, 2011

Diagnosis Sarcoidosis

If you would like to look this up, you can go to . It gives a nice overview of what it is. It's not good, but it's definately better than anything we were thinking!! So, no radiation, no chemo. (we don't think anyway!!) We will be going to see the rheumatologist in Iowa City on Monday, and hopefully we come out of there with a plan of action and some good drugs!!! John's mom was diagnosed with this a couple of years ago. They treated her with prednesolone (not sure I spelled that right) but it's a steroid, and should help take down all the swelling around the base of his spine, hopefully giving him back use of the lower half of his body!! Like I said, this isn't ideal by any means, and it's something you have for the rest of your life, so it's not like I feel like throwing any parties, but this is so much better than cancer!!!! I have been so scared!!

Now, about the other thing, yesterday John's leg swelled up pretty huge, and the doctor is afraid it's a blood clot, so he is on his way to Webster City to have an ultrasound, and we may be looking at a night in the hospital, we will have to see. If you have a daycare kid here, I"m going to be calling for an early pick up so I can get over there!! Also, I will be off Monday for the appointment in Iowa City.

I truly believe that all the prayers have helped and continue to help. If there is ever anything you ever need me to pray for, let me know, I owe many people many prayers!

Our lives just may be a little closer to normal someday!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, there was no blood clot. Just water retention...he has really bad circulation in his legs right now. Just supposed to keep things elevated, he was a good boy today!! Hope I can keep him down again tomorrow! Again, no daycare Monday, we see the rheumatologist!!!
