Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just a Sunday Night

Super Bowl Sunday has never really meant much to me, but tonight, we had our own little party! It was so fun having Grandpa, Jacob and Melinda over to watch the game! We had a lot of really fattening snacks, and even Levi got into the action, even though he kept yelling, "Go Vikings!!" He decided a couple of times that he loved football and was laughing at the screen and clapping! It was so cute. About the third quarter he was done, so we came downstairs to do some drawing and 'label making'. It was awesome because he was in such a great mood!

The funniest thing of the night, by far, was when Ben and Melinda were snuggling on the couch, and Levi wedged himself right in between them and started 'flirting' with Melinda! Poor girl, I'm not sure she knew what to think but it was completely adorable. Levi just loves girls! I wonder if it will always be like that when one of the other two boys bring home a date...Levi will try to 'steal' the girl!! So funny.

We have so much to celebrate right now. John's diagnosis, though not really 'good', is so much better than it could have been, and hopefully with the right treatment, things will get back to normal! It has been such a long hard road for all of us! You really start to realize just what you have in this life. I have a wonderful family, not just my immediate family, but extended as well, and FRIENDS...I think we found out just how many friends we really have! It was humbling, and totally awesome. Thank you to everyone, for everything. There are no words to express how much you have all meant to us, the prayers, the cards, and just the general concern. So many of you were so willing to do whatever we needed, and that was just so incredibly amazing.

I am blessed, there is no doubt about it. I am so lucky, and I wish everyone could be as lucky and as blessed as I am.

Keep the prayers coming! We aren't done with you yet!!

Love you all...


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