Thursday, October 28, 2010

People That Inspire Me...

Someday, when I grow up...I would like to have some qualities of the people who have inspired me throughout my life. I have been so incredibly blessed to have had these people strategically placed in my life, and I want to give them credit, on the off chance that they didn't know how I felt about them!

My Mother, first and foremost. Raised seven children in a one-income house, for the most part. I never remember her making us feel like we ever had anything to worry about other than being kids. She never made it seem like things were hard, even though at times they were! When I look back on my childhood, I just have this warm, loving feeling. My Mom is beautiful, inside and out. I think at times, I probably embarrass the hell out of her with my large, unfiltered mouth...but she accepts me for who I am. She is always there with a loving nudge in the right direction, whether I want to BE nudged or not! She will always be my hero. I couldn't make it through anything without her!

My Dad, with his ability to say whatever is on his mind. Sometimes, I think, 'wow, that was harsh...' but then as I think about it, I'm like, 'dude, he was totally right.' My Dad is an amazing, talented man, and I definately care what he thinks, and try to make decisions in my life that he would be proud of...still to this day, he's a man I don't want to disappoint. EVER.

My sisters, Cathy, Cindy and Ellie. My three best friends. These girls are with me no matter what, but I use each one a little differently. If I need someone to tell me I'm doing a great job, and that I'm worth something, I call Cathy. If I need someone to sympathize with me, and feel sorry for me, I call Cindy. If I want someone to kick the shit out of someone with me, I call Ellie. HAHA! In all seriousness, these are my go-to girls, and I hope that I can always be there for them the same way they are for me. Amazing women...amazing talents...I am so very blessed to have them.

My brothers, Bill, Danny and Adam. It's funny, Bill just called me yesterday, and although we don't get to talk much, when we do it's just like no time has passed and we are still in our house in Wesley throwing frozen pounds of hamburger through windows. Bill and I are 11 1/2 months apart, and he is an awesome, hard-working guy, and is just plain decent all the way around. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find an 'issue' with Bill...he's laid back and caring, and I love that about him. Danny, well, if you know that kid, then you're probably laughing right now. Talk about comic relief! He has made me laugh so many times...I'm talking tears rolling down your face laughing! I love having him in my life, and I love talking to him. Just don't forget his birthday. And Adam...Adam who is probably the most talented one in our whole family. I don't think there is anything that guy can't do when he wants to. And I don't just mean he can 'do' it, it's perfect...I only wish I could have a shred of his talents!

My kids, of course, inspire me. More than they will likely ever realize. I am so proud of my three boys no words could ever possibly explain. I hope someday I have the COURAGE that those three have.

My husband, who can help in terrible accidents, fires, and other emergencies, and handle it so professionally...there is no way I could ever do that, but thank GOD he does...and thank ALL of the volunteer firefighters, and EMT's...for what they are able to do in our times of need...

My friend, Glenda, who just always seems to have her life in order. She'll say she doesn't, but she does. Sometimes when we talk, I feel as though I should excuse myself and go start making lists as to how I am going to be better!! She always has my back, and I love her for that!

SOOO many other people but these are the ones I have contact with nearly every day...and I feel there is a reason for that! So, thank you, to all you beautiful people who make every single day on this earth a little brighter and a lot better! I LOVE YOU!

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